Al Jazeera's Struggle over the Nile programme

After our exhausting hike yesterday SB and I spent a very quiet evening at home with comfort food and the television.  As we were flipping though the channels we stopped at an image of the Aswan Dam.  We ended up watching Al Jazeera's series about the struggles for water and survival from countries that are affected by the Nile.  It was a fantastic programme that held us riveted to the end.

I highly recommend watching Struggle over the Nile, especially if you are ignorant about African politics and geography like I am.  Other than superficial knowledge of South Africa, I know a bit about ancient Egypt (mostly from architecture school) and a bit about Kenya (my sister was born in Nairobi), a fair amount about Rwanda and my understanding of everything else is pathetically dismal.

All images from Al Jazeera
