Dear Web Browser,

I have been a happy and loyal customer for several years. I am a fan of the customizable toolbars, add-ons and features that you have provided me in each new version. You have been good about offering me options that I hadn’t even thought about wanting. At this point in my life I wonder how much longer I will need a home computer because of all the online storage and provisions that are available to me. If Adobe, Autodesk and Microsoft Office provided online software services I would be able to work anywhere.

There is one thing that you, Web Browser, could do that would make my day year. I long for a better blocking/filter application. You see, I have a problem with a person who keeps appearing in my news reader. Actually there are two people who bother me. I will not name them because it would just raise their already inflated internet profiles so I will just refer to them as TBA (Two Bimbos of the Apocalypse). I tried to use your parental control filter to block TBA but this caused entire pages containing their names to be blocked out such as CNN and MSNBC. I found a nifty application called Ex-Blocker but it isn’t quite what I need either. Ex-Blocker is good for avoiding personal entanglements and will block TBA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts but I don’t have those relationships established with TBA anyway.

Please, please, puh-leeeeaaaase create an application that filters out all news articles referring to certain, un-named, irritating people. I would pay you for it. Many people would pay for it; otherwise I will continue to have high blood pressure when reading the news.


ulaca said…
Palin Palin Palin Palin Palin!

Now, tell us the other.
architart said…
I will give you a hint: "Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."

Or the most recent gem that sent me into orbit: "If We Don’t Completely Support Israel, God Will Curse Us."