Saturday morning

We were on our way to brunch after watching the Stanley Cup finals and found this somewhat usual Wanchai sight.  He had a buddy with him but the buddy woke up as a group of young women stood over them, giggling.  He eventually staggered to his feet and set off, most likely in the direction of home, leaving his drinking mate alone to nap in the noon sun. 

A small bowl was sitting on the ground in front of the remaining gentleman and SB could not help himself and placed some change into the bowl.  We heard more giggling behind us and saw another group of women taking photos.  The sleeping man will have no idea of how popular he was with the tourists.


Anonymous said…
In what sense is this unusual? Sadly, it's a fairly common site around Wanchai on Saturday and Sunday mornings (perhaps without the begging bowl). I used to see it also during the week from time to time on my way to work.
architart said…
Maybe you misread. I said somewhat usual. I would like to note how nice it must be to pass out in the streets of Hong Kong because there are few places in the world where your phone remains lying next to your sorry carcas when you wake up.
Anonymous said…
Oops - sorry! I did indeed misread that.