I had to take a picture of the lift control panel at my office. You can see which button gets used a lot and which is still as pristine as when it received its factory finish. This morning we slammed the doors shut on an elderly couple. We do that often; the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries is located in our building. That's what they get for trying to arrange their final resting places during business hours. The nerve.
Later in the morning I was in the Immigration building assisting a newly landed friend when I was compelled to take this picture. We were looking for a seat while waiting for her number to be called and thought we had found one but the whole row was apparently occupied by this woman and her young daughter. The whole row. She was a fantastic actress, a convincing Helen Keller when we moved in closer to see if she would move some of her possessions and allow us to sit.
Later in the morning I was in the Immigration building assisting a newly landed friend when I was compelled to take this picture. We were looking for a seat while waiting for her number to be called and thought we had found one but the whole row was apparently occupied by this woman and her young daughter. The whole row. She was a fantastic actress, a convincing Helen Keller when we moved in closer to see if she would move some of her possessions and allow us to sit.