trash talk

I had stopped picking up my free issue of the subStandard for several months.  I was having a debate with myself of whether the small bits of local news were worth having to suffer through the highly partial writing style or the peanut gallery who have somehow managed to find employment as journalists.

The editor is a disgrace.  Never one to give up an opportunity to suck up to her feudal masters she attempts to ridicule anyone who won't tow the party line.  Remember when she compared the railway protesters to the Na'vi, having clearly just seen Avatar and wanting to write something related, except in her version the blue guys were in the wrong?  On second thought, maybe that piece was one of her (unintentionally) more brilliant writings.  It would explain a lot about her line thought.

This week I wasn't quick enough to say no thank you and was left holding a copy of the paper.  I couldn't help myself and looked inside.  Clearly I had not learned Pandora's lesson and so I paid for it.  To that bald idiot opinion writer who took the easy way and wrote an article blathering on about how confused he was about why women are dressing in skimpy clothing and protesting I would like to thank you for ruining the ten minutes of bus time that I usually use to check Facebook.

If you were a man of moderate intelligence you could Google the Slutwalk and find out that it was originally organized in response to an idiotic statement by Toronto Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti who stated that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."  It was a protest by women and men against victim blaming ('scuse me while I climb onto the pulpit).  Any person who slightly understands the concept of free will can understand that we are accountable for our actions.  This is why we brag about being "civilized."

Please let me ease your confusion, Mr. Vittachi.  Women with short skirts are not asking for it.  Even if the skirt is worn with high heeled shoes.  Even if a women chooses to objectify herself.  It does not imply consent for others to objectify or assault her.  We learned these lessons in kindergarten somewhere between keep your hands to yourself and don't take what doesn't belong to you.  Maybe you were too busy eating your own crap to have paid attention that day so I am happy to explain it now.  Class dismissed.
