Sunset at High West

The Mount High West overlook isn't on an official trail, but it is popular enough that it is easy to follow. Many people start their hikes from Kennedy Town, climbing 2100 steps out of the urban area and often lugging photography equipment. A less vertical route would be to come across from the Peak along Harlech/Lugard Rds. SB and I took the furbabies with us on a longer route, starting from our home in Happy Valley, across Black's Link (first part of HK Trail Section 4), past Wanchai Gap, past Magazine Gap, around Victoria Peak (after getting somewhat turned around a few times), and then on to Mount High West in time to enjoy sunset. 

Even Google Maps shows the path to the overlook.

Along the way, we enjoyed lovely views back at the city while also being above all of the noise and hubbub.

We always enjoy encountering historic markers; this one is for the Victoria Hospital for Women and Children, that existed on Barker Road between 1897 and 1947.

We enjoy seeing the social strata, stratified often literally in the city. On this top layer, the grand houses looking over the mid level layer, and finally the base layer of shops along the coast.

ICC, the tallest building and a beacon in the afternoon light.

Finally, we made it to the overlook. Hong Kong has some impressive sunsets with a watercolor effect of color and haze.

Our dogs became the points of interest for many amateur photographers. They posed for some shots but we had to move on to make it to our destination further down the slope.

Here we are! Not a bad view, eh, Elsie?

Elsie would rather hunt for snacks.

There is something simply magical about the harbour of Hong Kong. We have seen it from every angle and it never fails to amaze us.


Maxonum said…
People in Hong Kong speak the Chinese, and English languages. The linguistic diversity of Hong Kong is vaguely diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Hong Kong is 0.2128. The followers of Christianity are the religious majority in the country. 100% of Hong Kong's population live in cities. This percentage comprises the urban population of Hong Kong.