2011 in recap

Instead of making my yearly forecast I decided to look back in 20/20 hindsight and pat myself on the back for accomplishing all of my goals for the previous year, revisionist style and all that.

Here's where I am on my list for 2011:
  1. Travel more: I went to Bali and Boracay.  And Yuen Long.  Check. 
  2. Look for another home that has a decent kitchen with an oven: I couldn't have been bothered so I taught myself to bake with a toaster oven.  With the exception of cake it wasn't a bad endeavor.
  3. Figure out my long term goals with SB: It has been two years since he decided that he wants to marry me and I just know that he'll do it this year.  Or not.
  4. Invest in RMB: Check.
  5. Work to live instead of living to work:  I quit my job and love my life.  I figure I can keep loving life for two more months before I need to start looking for ways to replenish my bank account.
  6. SB has got to meet the parents: We talked on Skype. Does that count?
  7. Finish that damn revision of my thesis: Check.  Done.  Basta Cosi.
  8. Start studying again.  We'll ask the rugby team if my Cantonese has gotten any better.
  9. Roast a pig: Porchetta in the toaster oven.  Not as large scale as envisaged but a worthy feat.
  10. A memorable achievement: I only lost my sh*t on SB once this year, when he invited a bunch of people over for an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner at our place and then called me at lunchtime to see if I could cook the feast.  Oh yeah, I'll put that 10kg frozen turkey into the toaster oven right away.

And now, my lists to cap off what was 2011.

The Good:
  1. Repeal of DADT
  2. Rugby World Cup
  3. Leslie's wedding and my long overdue visit to Ithaca
  4. My blog commentators who provided insight, instigation and inanities
  5. SB becoming a "professional" ice hockey player at his ripe, old age
The Bad:
  1. Famine in the Horn of Africa
  2. Earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding in Asia and the Pacific 
  3. 1780+ American troops killed in and around Afghanistan since 2001 (http://icasualties.org/oef/)
  4. Execute and ask questions later (Troy Davis)
  5. The casualties of the Arab Spring
The Wacky:
  1. Supreme Leader, Dear Leader, and now Paramount Leader
  2. Pouty politicians crapping all over each other as the national debt balloons and recession looms.
  3. Berlusconi.  No explanation needed. BTW spell check wants to change his name to coniferous.
  4. Michelle Bachmann accusing Rick Perry's mandated HPV vaccine of causing mental retardation.
  5. Michelle Bachmann
