It was another fun packed weekend. We won our rematch against Football Club/Gai Wu. It was the exact same score as the last match, except this time we were on top. We lost another wing to injury- it seemed to be a broken rib when they stretchered her off the pitch. I wonder why our backs only get broken when playing against this particular team. I hope Mui recovers soon because we need our speedy girls back and healthy, and she, like Tangka, Tung, and Ka are part of the vibrancy of our team. Kim, the other wing, also was injured but she didn't break anything, thank goodness! Despite these setbacks our backs showed spunk and finished out two hard earned tries, the last one in the final minute of the game. I had a tackle that I enjoyed immensely. The scenario: we were in our 22 and unfortunately had incurred a penalty. The ref told us that we had four minutes left in the game and I cheekily told my fellow lock that that was enough time to score a try. I was rewarded with a snort and eye rolling from the other team. FC tapped the ball and passed it to their biggest runner, who ran at our forwards and then made a quick break to the left, where I was running up, not fooled at all. I had enough of a start that I was able to lift and spin her carcass so that she landed with the ball facing my teammates. Even before I made contact I just had a feeling that I would get her, that I had to get her because we needed to be in possession of the ball in order for anything good to happen. I was happy to present her to my teammates and a few phases later we won the game. We have one more 10s game and then you won't have to hear about rugby from me for another few weeks as we take a break.
The men lost to Valley, who are on top of the first division right now. They led in the first half but were overwhelmed in the second. I wanted to watch the match but I had a dinner to prepare, which I will share in the next post. Anyway, SB told me that the Valley guys were very classy as well and solid players and unlike some previously mentioned other team, they played with gusto and enjoyment. SB got kneed in the head so he spent another post game with a splitting headache. At least this was not done on purpose. It still hurts, but somehow unintentional injuries don't carry as much sting. Perhaps good will is a great healer.
I had been without Internet for a few days so I have some catching up to do. I have quite a few Celtic tests still to watch. I feel a bit guilty for not cheering for NZ as loudly as I usually would but I am really enjoying watching so many players that are new to me because I don't usually get the opportunity to watch European rugby.
And now for something fascinating and kinda grosss:

Three layers of blisters! One under another.
Now I know why they wear two pairs of socks on hard pitches.
The men lost to Valley, who are on top of the first division right now. They led in the first half but were overwhelmed in the second. I wanted to watch the match but I had a dinner to prepare, which I will share in the next post. Anyway, SB told me that the Valley guys were very classy as well and solid players and unlike some previously mentioned other team, they played with gusto and enjoyment. SB got kneed in the head so he spent another post game with a splitting headache. At least this was not done on purpose. It still hurts, but somehow unintentional injuries don't carry as much sting. Perhaps good will is a great healer.
I had been without Internet for a few days so I have some catching up to do. I have quite a few Celtic tests still to watch. I feel a bit guilty for not cheering for NZ as loudly as I usually would but I am really enjoying watching so many players that are new to me because I don't usually get the opportunity to watch European rugby.
And now for something fascinating and kinda grosss:
Three layers of blisters! One under another.
Now I know why they wear two pairs of socks on hard pitches.
And a funny story about what happens when your head is in the clouds. At practice (called training in these other parts) we were at a scrum sled that I had not used before and I was at loose head. I was not paying as much attention as I should have and only after I engaged did it occur to me that perhaps I should have seen where the grip was for me to bind with my arm. I desperately reached to where I thought it was and then flapped my arms like a chicken as I fell out of the sled.