Project Complete!

I finally finished the new website for our rugby team. It took three tries because the first time around I forgot that my computer, being perfect for an architect and graphic designer, had 1920 x 1200 screen resolution while most computers are set at around 1280 x 1024. The result was a spectacular site on my monitor but it had to be scrolled through on everyone else's computers. Then on the second try, I reduced the size but some of the members with even lower settings (1024 x 800) told me that the background image was too far out of their screens. Aargh!

This time around I am happy to report that I have sorted everything out and it is up and running. The women, being female and all, sent in their profile information when I asked for it. The men, being male, have not. If you looked at their page, one would think that there were only twenty or so members of the team. I have threatened to make up my own profiles for them if I receive no responses. I personally am quite fond of the idea of Simpsonizing everyone.

Here's my simpsonization of SB

And here's the new website
