flowers give me a reason to cook dinner

It has been a month since my birthday and SB still has not gotten on the ball with a present. I finally pointedly asked him if he was planning anything yet and he admitted that he had not even thought of what to do/buy/craft.

I am lenient on him. Our friends and his family are speechless over how he manages to blow it for my birthday year after year. I know that he means well and intends every year to actually do something about it but that obviously isn't what happens. Despite me explaining this, I do eventually feel hurt after a month or more goes by and nothing happens.

This is why I finally turned my laser sharp stink eye upon him. It is an especially lethal tool if used properly. I do not raise my voice so in the past my upset was often ignored by SB because he comes from a family of yellers. He just assumed that if my voice wasn't shaking walls then I was okay with things. I had to develop my evil eye into something that would cause him to take notice. I only need to squint my eyes into little slits and focus my glare at him for barely a second and he catches on.

After beholding the stink eye SB came home loaded down with flowers. This is the first time he has ever brought me flowers so I must assume that the stink eye was especially penetrating. With the flowers he has bought himself time to find me a birthday present (I have hinted repeatedly that we need a food processor). It also guarantees that every time I look at the lovely blooms, I will be filled with joy. Joy makes it easier to pick his socks and pants from the floor and chair backs. Joy brings food to the table and propels me to clean the house. The only thing that the flowers can't do is iron his clothes. I still hate ironing more than I love flowers.
