Pok Fu Lam Reservoir

SB and I went for a short hike last weekend. A very short hike. Upon viewing the map we thought it looked like a moderate hike but it was over in less than an hour. We started by bussing to the Peak and poking around there. Then we went on the trail that begins as a road and descends quickly into Pok Fu Lam.

We saw a reservoir, we saw a youth equestrian school, we saw some streams, and then it was over.

We learned two things on this hike so overall it was a success.

1) Upon viewing the streams and reservoir we realized it was time to find fresh water to play in. But don't worry, we will try to avoid soaking ourselves in the water supply. I have researched a few possible fresh water bathing options in the New Territories.

2) There are some really, really strange insects that are attaching themselves to local trees along the dam.

There critters look quite menacing. They group together to form a protective carpet, looking like something in a sci-fi series. If you poke at them, one or two will rise up on its hind legs and attempt to strike. I am assuming that these things may be venomous. Possibly poisonous also. Doesn't that add quite the element of danger to our stroll?

After this, we ended up at the bus stop by the equestrian school (with very reasonable prices for the kids) and took a minibus to Stanley. We saw a couple of men out in the water on outrigger canoes. This aroused SB's interest so next week he shall be learning to outrigger with a very experienced racer. He needs another hobby like a hole in the head. An I am an enabler. "Sure, honey, it sounds like fun. Who needs rest time anyway?"
