Former Latina chief editor Sandra Guzman wrote about Justice Sonia Sotomayor in "Her Honor," which I recommend for reading. Using the many statements given by friends and family (Justice Sotomayor does not give interviews herself), Guzman presents a warm, humble, and charitable woman in addition to what I already know about how smart and committed she is. What especially struck me was how Guzman gave a LOT of details of Justice Sotomayor's love life and how these details surprised me. She has led quite a full life and imparts wisdom despite not completely succeeding in love herself:
[Sotomayor] told me that we have been wrongfully taught the Cinderella fairy tale as a paradigm for what happy relationships are supposed to be. And when we fall short of that, we suffer for it.
To find happiness in love, she said, we have to make up our own rules. It's not easy, but it's doable. The process may involve unlearning what we have been taught and then figuring out what makes us happy. There are all types of relationships and arrangements to choose from. Of course, the trick is finding a companion who shares those values.