one book at a time

I have not hope of bringing my actual library here from Ithaca.  There isn't enough room for all my books in our larger-than-the-old-shoebox-home.  I brought a few favorite architectural books but the rest are out of reach.  Or they were until the Kindle entered into my life.  I am bringing out my books one purchase at a time. 

I am a big fan of the Kindle.  Once you accept its limitations (architectural books and other designed paper works of art) it more than compensates with its own special features. It is easier to hold than a hardcover or even a paperback and also much smaller and lighter.  Since November I have amassed close to 100 books as well as PDFs that I have been sending to myself.

I would say that the Kindle is near perfect except for this one problem I just noticed: even with bookmarks it is difficult for nonlinear reading.  Five words shall explain what I mean:  The Sound and the Fury. 
