the Colorado Wookiee

On average the Colorado Wookiee can live to 9 lives or more, depending on level of inquisitiveness.

General Physical Description:
The Colorado Wookiee is classified as a hirsute breed. They are long with a large full head, perky and erect ears and immensely large paws.  50% of wookiees are ginger colored.

The Colorado Wookiee has a minimum weight of 85kgs. They have been recorded as weighing 98kgs. when playing multiple sports.

They will eat you out of house and home. The mainstay of a Colorado Wookiee diet should be large unlimited amounts of fresh pasta and plenty of clean water. They have quite delicate stomachs when approached with green colored foods so when feeding fresh fruits and vegetables make sure they are hidden beneath pasta. One must always worry about a Colorado Wookiee coming down with the first case of scurvy in the 21st century.  An earthenware bowl is the best type of feeding dish to use, as they are harder to knock over than the plastic ones, also they not chewable. A feed bag is preferred.

The Colorado Wookiee is unusually picky about bedding and will flop about a bit before settling down to sleep. Wood shavings may be acceptable to some wookiees but the Colorado Wookiee will only sleep on pillow top or memory foam mattresses with a minimum of two pillows and another warm body close by to use as a leg rest.  One should always be wary of being squished in her sleep.

Suitability For Children:
The Colorado Wookiee is suitable for all ages of children, but remember they are of extremely high energy and will wear out even children.  They like to carry children on their shoulders and swing them around in the air at dizzying speeds.  As they are so good-natured many people want one, however they do seem to be one of a kind.

Character & Temperament:
The Colorado Wookiee is quite intelligent though it can be a bit cantankerous unless it is fed regularly.  They are much like large children with delightfully energetic and inquisitive natures that may sometimes cause mischief and food shortages.

Sleeping Habits:
Colorado Wookiee are most active in the afternoon and at night; they generally sleep during the morning and must be prodded awake.

Toys & Exercise:
Wookiees need things to climb on, crawl through, dig and chew. It is possible to provide plenty to entertain this wookiee with using household items, such as food. Several boxes of can be put together with holes in them so the wookiee can go from box to box, just like being in a buffet.
Abandon hope all ye who enter. 

Colorado Wookiees can become well trained. They are more intelligent than guinea pigs and hamsters. They can even be trained to make a mess in one specific area, which makes cleaning up after them much easier. However if you get them as adults you will have to pick up after them often.

Show Characteristics:
Colorado Wookiees love to show off.  They will always attract an eager audience because they are so damn adorable.

Country of Origin:
United State
