I failed on all 3 counts. I got the number of passes wrong (15 instead of 16). I didn't see the gorilla or the curtain change. Wonder what that says about me.
It means people can bear to be around you. It is not always fun for SB that I seem to notice everything. He can't surprise me nor can he get away with anything.
I witnessed a crime when I was a very small child. I had a very good memory of what I saw but there were things that the officers asked me which I had not observed because my childish focus was on other details.
When I was 13 I took a basic first aid course. We were told that is was very important to survey the scene first. It may have been beaten into my subconscious.
I witnessed a crime when I was a very small child. I had a very good memory of what I saw but there were things that the officers asked me which I had not observed because my childish focus was on other details.
When I was 13 I took a basic first aid course. We were told that is was very important to survey the scene first. It may have been beaten into my subconscious.