ecce too Brutal?

This year I dressed SB as the Spanish masterpiece, Ecce Homo (not the original by Elías García Martínez, but the restoration by Cecilia Giménez).  Overall it was a success, though we noticed that a certain segment of the population was more likely to recognize the costume.

I had to work really hard to top last year's Star Wars theme, which was a revelation on many levels.  While SB revealed his fantastic gams to most of Wanchai, it was also discovered that while quite a few men and women accused him of destroying their Princess Leia fantasies, others were strangely attracted.  One particular gentleman of discernment could not control himself from repeatedly attempting to lift SB's skirt and catch his eye to show off some dance moves.

The two costumes had surprisingly similar reactions across Facebook.  Horror, fascination, speechlessness and quite a lot of loss of appetite.  We have been asked to refund the cost of two lunches and one chocolate bar as well as provide the ability to un-see things.  

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to outdo myself next time but then I remembered that truth is indeed stranger than fiction and I have faith in my fellow mankind to provide some other outrageous fodder when the next costume party rolls around.  I shall have to keep a keen eye on the goings on in North Korea, Iran, Italy, and certain landlocked regions of the United States.
