bon voyage Frenchie

The second Frenchie who joined our rugby club is being relocated to Shanghai after eleven years of settling down.  Most of the club thought that he was the original Frenchie but SB remembered one other who played with him in the late nineties.  Now we have enough Frenchies to fill out an entire squad with room on the bench for the three Quebecois.  But J is one of the originals and most beloved so I will miss him greatly.

We decided to meet at the rooftop open space at IFC for cocktails.  I have enjoyed drinks from the various rooftop bars in the past but it never occurred to me to take advantage of the free facilities and bring my own spread.  The very comfortable furniture is part of the public space.  We set up our spread to utilize the concrete side of a planter as bar.

The IFC space is especially convenient because of the location of City Super right downstairs in the mall.  The only drawback was that I had to skip over to the ferry pier to buy ice to chill our wine.  Next time, and there will be a next time, I will remember to buy ice on my way over for rooftop cocktails.

I was told that all of the outdoor furniture is for public use 

 A great view of the harbour to the North

Looking up at the city around us


Gweipo said…
that's amazing. It is common legend that when there are more than 2 male Dutch hockey teams in Hong Kong it's time for a crash. I'm wondering if it's the same for French rugby players?