spot on

68 years after Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg identified it, sex researchers have concluded that the G-Spot does not exist. I would like to punch in the nose those three smug college girlfriends of mine who used to rave about their amazing G-Spot sex and all of those multiple orgasms. Liars.

Without getting too personal about my sex life, I am comfortable enough, confident enough, and lucky enough to have discovered erogenous zones. I have never found the mythical G-Spot despite intensive research. In fact, the research turned fun times into something rather clinical and for several weeks in 2007, SB and I suffered a less than stellar sex life as foreplay started to turn into a gynecological examination with me reading excerpts from books aloud and SB methodically following a series of increasingly complicated instructions in search of the magic 1-2cm zone of wonder. 

Thankfully we abandoned the search and concluded that my sadly G-Spot deficient body was still pretty marvelous.

Erin "it's so easy to find, just make a come here gesture" can go suck lemons.
