Necessity is the mother of invention and desperation is thankful for invention. The day before we departed, SB noted some ominous tingling in his big toe. By our first morning, he was experiencing an acute gout attack. We bought medication and he's been avoiding purine rich foods but he's feeling distinctly uncomfortable. Thank goodness for Grab bikes.
We noticed several motorcyclists zipping around with green striped helmets with the word "Grab" so we Googled the service and downloaded an app similar to Uber. It's been a game changer. While the rest of us are schlepping ourselves around in the withering heat, SB has been hopping into that back of Grab motorcycles for the cost of VND$12,000, roughly equivalent to US 50 cents. He arrives with time to buy an iced coffee while awaiting our pedestrian arrival. This may explain why after three motorcycle trips, he was feeling queasy. "How many cà phê sữa have you consumed today?" I asked him.
The youngest nephew joined him on a ride last night and skipped the walk between the fine arts museum and the market. They waited for us at the food market, SB clutching an iced coffee and twitching.