It was sad to go when the weather was perfect: sunny and breezy; and the scenery could not be more beautiful. I am still in awe over the geologic landscape that makes up Hạ Long Bay. We also met several friends on our boat, and we spent a lot of time with a single traveler named Mark, who is the chairman of a rugby club in Northern Ireland, thus we bonded instantly. Mark is a retired firefighter (that explains the legs that rivaled SB's) and was the perfect tourist: engaged, easy going, and brimming with wit. He could always be found on deck, soaking up the sun or enjoying the evening breeze. Mark was also a fantastic replacement for the family that we rode up with, who we were deeply afraid that we were going to have to stomach for the next three days. They were two couples with children who could have been cute if they had any boundaries. The children sang and shrieked for almost the entire four hour bus ride. The parents communicated by bellowing over the children at each other, which was as pleasant to the rest of the passengers as you might imagine. They also managed to make a huge mess with spilled ice cream (the adults that is, not the children) and even after SB tried to help mop it up, no one in their group lifted a finger to contain the mess, allowing it to melt and spread all over the floor. Then they dropped a water bottle into the mess and didn't want to pick it up so it rolled all over the bus, spreading even more melted ice cream. I was almost in tears of joy when I found out that they were on another boat.
But back to happy thoughts. Let's take a look at the emerald waters that almost inspire me to spout bad poetry.

A fisherman setting out his lines. For a red, hot minute I imagined what if we became fishermen.

another fishing boat with huge lights that indicate squid fishing

My favorite place on the boat. Ever evening, youngest nephew would ply his trade in the kitchen, rolling chả giò (known as nem rán in the North) while the adults partook in frosty beverages and ate up the scenery.

Looking down from Ti Top Island

one last view out the door that we boarded at

our room with a view

Most of the family on the deck.

Goodbye for now, Hạ Long Bay!